DI: What is the main principle, idea and inspiration behind your design?
TI : The History of the existing building, its approach and the surrounding pushed me to design a bold yet sensitive design, I want my design to respect the old building and for future generations not to be honest to the design language that each building was built in.
DI: What has been your main focus in designing this work? Especially what did you want to achieve?
TI : My main focus was to propose a new school for extensions in our society. Taking into consideration the beauty and the characteristics of the old buildings, yet to identify the old from the new, and I think I was able to achieve a modern extension holding the genes of its ancestors.
DI: What are your future plans for this award winning design?
TI : In My own opinion every person from his own career has to make the quality of living for human being a better place, this reputable prestigious Award is very important to prove that you are doing so. After this Award I will just keep exploring and experimenting in Architecture to make spaces and stories in architecture that will make a higher standard for living and leave history for our coming generations as what our ancestors did..
DI: How long did it take you to design this particular concept?
TI : After knowing the owners way of life and their thoughts, and after visiting the site the factors and concept the concept was almost there. So it was like a Matter of Month of understanding the clients and the plot.
DI: Why did you design this particular concept? Was this design commissioned or did you decide to pursuit an inspiration?
TI : Yes it was commissioned, and I saw a great opportunity to apply my concept of extensions.
DI: What made you design this particular type of work?
TI : Every designer has a particular story with his history and to become part of the history is the greatest achievement a men can do. So what about adding value to history or a story it is a dream coming true.
DI: Where there any other designs and/or designers that helped the influence the design of your work?
TI : yes, The Spanish school of though in Architecture and dealing with heritage is my influence.
DI: What sets this design apart from other similar or resembling concepts?
TI : It is Bold yet Sensitive
DI: How did you come up with the name for this design? What does it mean?
TI : I came out with name of the villa from the Intention I wanted to appeal in the design.
DI: What is the most unique aspect of your design?
TI : The most Unique aspect of the design is the power of boldness in design yet sensitivity in the approach to the past, and how can a building hold its heritage identity hidden in an international language.
DI: What are some of the challenges you faced during the design/realization of your concept?
TI : The question of engineering and weather the old building consisting of stone will hold the weight of concrete above it during the process of building.
DI: How did you decide to submit your design to an international design competition?
TI : I thought that the outcome deserves to be evaluated on an international level.