DI: What is the main principle, idea and inspiration behind your design?
: Gender, Social Issue, Sexism, Empowering Women.
DI: What has been your main focus in designing this work? Especially what did you want to achieve?
: The main focus of the collection was power-shoulder and body-conscious silhouette. By using wide and angular power, I wanted to create a strong feeling. At the same time, I decided to apply body-conscious and empathize waist-line to show the beauty of women’s curve.
DI: What are your future plans for this award winning design?
: I wish European designers and customers can see my collection. I have only worked based in New York and I would like to have an opportunity working in Europe.
DI: How long did it take you to design this particular concept?
: The collection, Feminisculine took few months from Concept research to producing the garments.
DI: Why did you design this particular concept? Was this design commissioned or did you decide to pursuit an inspiration?
: Women’s right. Since I was young, I always have had interests in Women’s rights and power. I wanted to design a collection that can give empowered feeling by wearing my collection.
DI: Is your design being produced or used by another company, or do you plan to sell or lease the production rights or do you intent to produce your work yourself?
: This collection is produced for my brand, CHAE newyork.
DI: Where there any other designs and/or designers that helped the influence the design of your work?
: Yves Henri Donat Mathieu - Saint Laurent
Saint Laurent’s trend-setting Le Smoking evening trouser-suit for women. The look of Le Smoking is the one of biggest mater-pieces by Yves Saint Laurent and it gave me a huge inspiration for my design style.
DI: Who is the target customer for his design?
: All women who would like to look strength and power in the world.
DI: How did you come up with the name for this design? What does it mean?
: Feminisculine is the combination word of ‘Feminine’ and ‘Masculine’.
DI: What is the most unique aspect of your design?
: The fabrics are used in this collection is customized double-faced wool and double-sided synthetic jersey which cannot find in anywhere in the world.
DI: Who did you collaborate with for this design? Did you work with people with technical / specialized skills?
: It was important to find the pattern maker who is really understand about 1980’s power-suiting, so the person can create a perfect shape as I designed. The fabrics I’ve used in my collection, Feminisculine were very delicates and sewing was very complicated process with hand finishings. Therefore, it took awhile to find a mater sewer.
DI: Is your design influenced by data or analytical research in any way? What kind of research did you conduct for making this design?
: I started to research on a gender discrimination and evolvement of participating in society as a woman. Also, I took a deep look on history of women’ wear which I found 1980’s power-suiting such as wide shoulder. The look of power-suiting gave me a huge inspiration for this collection. And I decided to how I can empathize the power of women through designing collection.
DI: How did you decide to submit your design to an international design competition?
: I wanted to let the world to hear about my voice, the power of women.